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Who We Are

Be an authentic
Teach biblical truth.
Demonstrate that people matter.
Real with one another is how God made us to interact.  With all of the mixed messages out there in the world, this is a place where we will be genuinely authentic to each other.
The basis of all that we teach and do is the Bible.  The Bible is a wonderful gift that God has handed down over centuries and we look to it for wisdom.
We don’t just say that people matter we demonstrate it.  Our prayer, time, efforts, and resources go towards demonstrating that people matter.  If people matter to God, then they must matter to us.
Core Values
Love God
Even when we don’t understand Him.
Love People
Even when they are difficult.
Love Bringing Them Together
Because we believe that when God and people come together eternities are changed.
What We Believe
Who we believe God is
God is, was and always has been.  He exists outside of time and space and is the Creator of all things.  His ways are higher than our own and He is the essence of all that is good.  Creation stemmed out of His great love, and we are the beneficiaries of that same love each and every day.  At His appointed time the Lord will judge each of us according to His just standard.
God reveals Himself through Christ.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate act of love from God to His creation.  Knowing that we could not live the perfect life required to gain salvation God sent Jesus Christ to take the punishment we deserved so that we could be covered in His resurrection and victory over death.  Now because of Christ’s new life we too can share in that new life.
Mankind and the fall.
We believe that man has a propensity to sin and that it is impossible to live a sinless life.  Because of this we all need Christ and the sacrifice He made on the cross for each of us.
We believe that Jesus Christ is enough for our salvation.  His grace is freely given to us and there is nothing that we can do to earn it.  We cannot work enough, give enough or be good enough to gain salvation on our own.  It is solely a free gift offered to us by Christ Jesus and if we accept, we are saved.
The Church
While it is not necessary to go to church to gain our salvation, a healthy Christian lifestyle will lead us to the church both to praise our Lord for His amazing grace and to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Church is a place for education and growth as well and should be a jumping off point for a week filled with purposeful ministry in our daily lives.
The Resurrection
We believe that Jesus actually lived, died a criminal’s death and rose again in victory over death.  He ministered on Earth for 40 days after His resurrection and ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father on our behalf.
Who We are as a Denomination
The Nazarene Church is a Holiness Church, meaning that we believe that Jesus has set us free from sin to the point that sin is no longer inevitable.  The power of Christ exceeds the power of sin.  We no longer have to sin, we can choose to, but sin is not required.  For further information on the denomination please listen to this sermon from 6.30.24 about the Nazarene Church!

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1438 Cox Ave
Erlanger, KY 41018

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